

In Application, following system of Prism classification is used:

Single prisms

First letter -- number of reflective faces:

Second letter -- type of construction:

First number -- Angle of deflection of optical axis, degree.

Second number  -- Optional parameter for prisms providing double brake of optical axis. Angle of deflection of optical axis after second brake, degree

Additional properties:

Alternate name -- is added for prisms having well known personal name.

Combined prisms

First letter -- type of prism:

First number -- Angle of deflection of optical axis, degree.

Additional properties:

Alternate name -- is added for prisms having well known personal name.

List of Prisms

Table below outlines full list of available type of prism:

Single prisms

Caption Ray Tracing Notes

Single Reflective, Isosceles

AR 0 (Dove)

All prisms provide image reversal with respect to main section

AR 45

AR 60

AR 80

AR 90 (Amichi)

AR 105

AR custom

The same as any AR prism with custom defined deflection angle

Single Reflective, Isosceles, Roof
AR 45 roof

All prisms provide full image reversal

AR 60 roof

AR 80 roof

AR 90 roof (Amichi roof)

AR custom roof

The same as any AR roof prism with custom defined deflection angle

Two Reflective, Isosceles
BR 90 (Wollastone)

Prisms provide direct image

BR 180

Prisms provide image reversal with respect to main section

Two Reflective, Isosceles, Roof
BR 180 roof

Prism provides full image reversal

Two Reflective, Rhomb
BC 0 (Rhomb)

Prisms provide direct image

Two Reflective, Semipentaprism
BY 40

Prisms provide direct image

BY 45

BY 60

Two Reflective, Semipentaprism, Roof
BY 45 roof

Prisms provide image reversal with respect to main section

BY 60 roof

Two Reflective, Pentaprism
BP 80

Prisms provide direct image

BP 90 (Pentaprism)

Two Reflective, Pentaprism, Roof
BP 90 roof (Pentaprism)

Prisms provides full image reversal

Two Reflective, Range Instrumentation, Left
BM 60 90 left

All prisms provides full image reversal.

BM 80 90 left

BM 90 90 left

BM 100 90 left

BM 120 90 left

Two Reflective, Range Instrumentation, Right
BM 60 90 right

All prisms provides full image reversal.

BM 80 90 right

BM 90 90 right

BM 100 90 right

BM 120 90 right

Two Reflective, Range Instrumentation, Left, Roof
BM 100 90 left roof

Two Reflective, Range Instrumentation, Right, Roof
BM 100 90 right roof 

Three Reflective, Lehman
CL 0 (Lehman)

Prisms provide image reversal with respect to main section

Three Reflective, Lehman, Roof
CL 0 roof (Lehman)


Prisms provide full image reversal

Three Reflective, Isosceles
CR 45 (Schmidt)

Prisms provide image reversal with respect to main section

CR 180

Prism provides direct image

Three Reflective, Isosceles, Roof
CR 45 roof (Schmidt)


CR 180 roof

Prisms provide image reversal with respect to cardinal section

Special Types
Corner cube (Retro reflector)

Prism is three-face pyramid with 90 degree vertex angle.

Prism return light beam in the incident beam direction


Combined prisms
A 0 (Abbe)

Prism is combined with two glued prisms.

Prism provides image reversal with respect to cardinal section

A 0 roof (Abbe)

Abbe prism (A 0) with roof.

Prism provides full image reversal.

B 90

Prism provide direct image
B 90 roof

Prism of range instrumentation type having roof on second reflection face combined with compensation prism.

Prism provides image reversal with respect to cardinal plane.

CP 0

Prism of range instrumentation type having roof on second reflection face combined with compensation prism.

Prism provides image reversal with respect to cardinal section

P 0 roof (Pechan)

Pechan prism (P 0) having roof on second reflection face of second prism (half Penta prism).

Prism provides full image reversal.

K 0 (Cube)

Prism is combined with two glued rectangular prisms having silvered glued hypotenuse face.

Prism works just with parallel beams and provides image reversal with respect to cardinal section

P 0 (Pechan)

Prism is combined with Schmidt prism (CR 45) and half of Penta prism (BP 90)

Prism works with converging beams and provides image reversal with respect to cardinal section. Analogue of Dove prism.


Because Prisms are single element integrated into Application you can affect just some set of global properties of Prism. In general, you can:

To change type of Prism:

  1. Double click on the Prism Element you want to change in the Project window,

  2. Click on the Shape item,

  3. In the Properties window change the Sub type parameter to the desired.

To change Location and Orientation of Prism:  

  1. Double click on the Prism Element you want to change in the Project window.

  2. Click on the Transformation item,

  3. In the Properties window change the Position and Rotation parameters to the desired. See Location of Elements and Tilting of Element for reference.

To change Dimensions:

  1. Double click on the Prism Element you want to change in the Project window,

  2. Click on the Shape item,

  3. In the Properties window change the Sub type parameter to the desired:

To change Optical Material of Prism:

  1. Click on the Prism Element you want to change in the Project window,

  2. In the Properties window set the desired Material parameter. See Optical Materials for reference.