General Settings

Before starting of analyzing procedure, you should define some set of general parameters affecting analysis precision and visualization of analysis results. Then, some starting conditions should also be defined.

For this purposes, Settings group of properties is used. It is first level hierarchical group within project tree graph containing several subgroups. General view and brief description of general settings are shown below:

    Touch Gap -- Threshold of distance between different Elements of Optical Scheme.

  • Scene Boundaries -- To set bounding box of Optical System.
  • Quality -- To set precision of analysis and quality of visualization of results.
  • Spectral Bounds -- To set spectral range of operating of Optical System.
  • Distribution View -- To set options affecting representation of analysis results.
  • Scale Distribution -- To set parameters affecting representation of analysis results.
  • Thermal Settings -- To set global thermal properties of environment and thermo analysis options.

Scene boundaries

Set of Scene Boundaries parameters defines bounding box that will be taken into account during analyzing procedure. All Elements of Optical Scheme that may be represented with triangular mesh are included into scene boundaries. If trajectory of ray passed through the Optical System will reach boundary of bounding box this ray will be excluded from following analysis. At the same time, you may place your light sources outside scene bounding box. In any case, you have to make sure all light sources are placed within scene boundaries and oriented correctly.

Hierarchical structure of Scene boundaries properties group are shown below:

  • Definition -- Type of definition of Scene Boundaries (Auto or Manual).
  • Bounds -- Subgroup of properties defining boundary corners of Optical Scheme bounding box.
  • Min -- Coordinates of lower corner of bounding box (x, y, z).
  • Max -- Coordinates of upper corner of bounding box (x, y, z).

You can set Scene Boundaries manually or in automatic mode. While you are using automatic mode, minimally required bounds to include whole system in current configuration will be set to include all Elements of Optical Scheme into resulting bounding box. You will not able to change bounds manually (although you will be able to get access to corresponding values).

Otherwise, while you are use manual mode of boundaries settings, you may set bounds of your Optical Scheme to certainly exceed currently required external dimensions of bounding box. It can be useful when you are working win Optical System having moving parts. In this case, you will be released from warnings appearing with each system reconfiguring.

Examples of setting parameters dealing with definition of Scene Boundaries are shown below:

Setting of Definition Mode Setting of Optical Scheme bounds manually

To change definition mode of boundaries settings:

Note you are not able to set bounds in so manner to exclude part of Optical Scheme from resulting bounding box.


Set of Quality parameters allow you to control analysis accuracy. Set of parameters can be illustrated with table below:

  • Rays Distribution -- Total amount of rays generated until analysis procedure will complete. Zero value corresponds unlimited rays generation for illumination analysis purpose and 500,000 rays for thermal analysis purposes..
  • Rays Visualization -- Amount of generated rays to be visualized with 3D Viewer. Affect only visualization part.
  • Sections -- Amount of layers parallel each side of bounding box defining accuracy of analysis of spatial distribution of energy. See Energy Distribution for reference.
  • Indicatrix Resolution -- Angular resolution of polar diagram of energy distribution of radiant intensity (W/str). See Energy Indicatrix for reference.

Energy Composition parameter may accept following values:

Spectral Bounds

Spectral Bounds property defines what part of spectrum emitted with all Radiation Sources will be taken into account during calculation and analysis procedures. Set of parameter can be illustrated with table below:

  • Lambda Min -- Wavelength defining lower bound of used spectral range.
  • Lambda Max -- Wavelength defining upper bound of used spectral range.
  • N Lambda -- Total amount of subdivisions of used spectral range. Affects on accuracy of analysis

Note that Spectral Bounds property does not concern with Spectral Emission property of Radiation Sources. It can be illustrated with figure below:

Distribution View

Set of Distribution View parameters allow you to control representation of analysis results dealing with spatial distribution of energy within Optical Scheme. Set of parameters can be illustrated with table below:

  • Surface Map -- Currently displayed Surface Map. See Surface maps for reference.
  • Energy Composition -- Currently displayed part of energy contributed into spatial energy distribution. See Energy Distribution for reference
  • N intersect. Min -- Minimal count of intersection between ray and surface of Optical Element will be considered as essential for result.
  • N intersect. Max -- Maximal count of intersection between ray and surface of Optical Element will be considered as essential for result.
  • E rel Min -- Minimal level of resulting signal range will be represented. Relative value.
  • E rel Max -- Maximal level of resulting signal range will be represented. Relative value.
  • Energy Threshold -- Minimal level of ray weight that will be considered as essential for result. Relative value.


Energy Composition parameter may accept following values:

To set desired Distribution View Settings:

Note you have to stop analysis procedure before changing setting of parameters within Distribution view section.

Before new values of parameters (except E rel parameter) will affect, you have to restart analysis procedure. Changing E rel parameter will also affect representation of analysis result without recalculation.

Scale Distribution

Set of Scale Distribution parameters expand control possibilities dealing with representation of spatial energy distribution. Set of parameters can be illustrated with table below:

  • Scale -- Allow you to choose reference level for normalization of energy map.
  • Units -- Allow you to set currently used scale of representation of energy map.
  • Interpolation -- While turned on, interpolation will be used to smooth energy map representation.

Scale Distribution parameter may accept following values:

To set desired Scale Distribution Settings:

You can change setting of any parameter within Scale Distribution section during analysis procedure. Changes will be applied immediately.

Thermal Settings

Set of Thermal Settings parameters describes general options affecting results of thermal analysis of Optical System. Set of parameters can be illustrated with table below:

  • Time Step -- Minimal time discrete to be analyzed.
  • Time of calculation -- Time (in the terms of simulated system) to finish thermal analysis routine.
  • Environment Temperature -- Temperature of environment of your System.
  • Contact Precision -- Minimal allowed distance between points of System Design considering as different ones.
  • Enable contacts -- While turned on, heat exchange between contacting elements is allowed
  • Analyze all boundaries -- While turned on, all boundaries of each Element of Optical System will be analyzed.

To set desired Thermal Settings: