VOB Virtual Optical Bench Program Series This example demonstrates simulation of the human eye using a curved image plane. The eye is modeled according to the model of Helmholtz. Note the curved image plane simulating the retina of the eye. You may want to download the optical system file Helm1886Eye.os for VOB program series, a simple ascii text file. Fig 9-1: Eye model according to Helmholtz focusing an object at infinity Fig 9-2: Modeling of an eye immersed in water If your eye is immersed in water, you loose the power of the outer curved surface. It cannot be compensated by the accommodation and thus seeing is blurred (Fig. 9-2). You may want to download the optical system file Helm1886EyeInWater.os. Fig 9-3: Simple immersed correction lens for eye immersed in water The power of the outer curved surface of the eye may be replaced by a lens in front of the eye. Fig. 9-3 shows a simple correction by a bi-convex lens. It just demonstrates the principle. It is not advisable as a prescription for "underwater glasses" :-)). You may want to download the optical system file Helm1886EyeInWaterWithLens.os. The surfaces of the lens were evaluated by the optimization function of VOB Pro. The optimization parameter files are Helm1886EyeInWaterWithLens.par and Helm1886EyeInWaterWithLens.fun, being also simple ascii text files. |
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