TEC++ DR. VOLKER SCHMIDT GMBH | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VOB Virtual Optical Bench Program Series For image synthesis built-in test objects like disk (diffraction point), radial mira or rectangular mira are supplied. Additionally, the user may use images in standard bitmap format (*.bmp). Image synthesis is done by PSF (point spread function) for a matrix of points on the object plane. The following samples of image analysis were generated with a simple doublet system (Fig. 4-1). Fig. 4-2a shows a picture of the "Schwebebahn" (overhead suspension railway train in Wuppertal, Germany), used as an object. The resulting image (Fig. 4-2) is somewhat blurred due to imperfections of the lens. It is calculated assuming an ideal detector like a superfine grained photographic plate. Fig. 4-1: Simple doublet system used for image synthesis examples
The electro-optical features of detectors can be taken into account. Several single element, multi-element detectors and mechanical scanners may be used. Fig. 4-3a shows a map of a matrix area detector, like a CCD. For demonstration purposes the dimensions are rather unusual. The resulting image (fig. 4-3b) is quite pixelized due to the coarse structure of the array.
The margins (trenches) between the elements of matrix arrays can be taken into account. While in fig 4-3 the elements are seamlessly arranged (element size = center to center distance), in fig 4-4 a more realistic array with margins is shown. The resulting image is rather dark due to the black margins between the elements.
Single and double line arrays (fig. 4.5) are used in fax machines and desktop scanners for PC`s, which are scanned in one dimension over the images. The black stripes are caused by the margins of the elements (s. above).
Webmaster`s note: Soon (ehem, in the next weeks ;-) we will add examples of mechanical scanners taking into account real movement with relaxation of moving element (mirror). Please come in again. |
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